
Sketch: a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist with making a finished picture.

My name is Tessa. This is my blog. It's always under construction.

So, it changes a lot. But you may find a few things that will remain consistent. Like:

5. I like quotes, books, and art.
4. I love pretty things and old things.
3. I'm learning how to cook, and do other grown up things, very slowly.
2. My friends are the apple to my pie.
1. It's all about Jesus. Most importantly, it's all about Him.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Makings and Mendings of the Heart

Sometimes, I've noticed in life, God gives us pretty big missions. Noah planned on surviving a huge flood. Hannah wanted to be a mom. Esther wanted to save her people. Jesus came to save the world. And all of those things happened. 

So often, I think of the things people do and not the time, prayer, and faithfulness it took to get to the dream. It's easy for me to look at my life and think, "Ahh! I'm failing God. I'm not there yet!" And He reminds me I'm right where He wants me, and He is perfecting me and teaching me about perseverance through this w-a-i-t-i-n-g. 

So, I'm learning about what to do in the hidden place. What can I learn right here and now as I go on towards the goal and dream God has given me? What can I do today that honors God with what He has put before me? And I remind myself to rejoice in the little things. 

Today I'm choosing peace and joy. I choose Jesus!

While having my morning coffee I knew choosing joy meant to take delight in my Father. I had a nice, pretty breakfast (in bed) while reading. How nice!

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